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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

3 steps to start your social media journey

1- Identify the subject you want to address
2- Identify the audience's location i.e: are they on facebook, linked IN, twitter, Youtube....
3- Create the source (Blog)

Really, it is that simple. As you read, i didn't mention facebook or twitter in the 3 initial steps. These platforms are rather channels and cannot become the destination. The destination didn't change, it's the consumer/reader/audience.... The objective didn't change, I want to tell or sell. The channel changed, it became online and fast and dynamic, this is the facebook or twitter. You do get to hear a lot of this " we have started social media, we're on facebook"... This can only serve as a good sign which tells you that the client is willing to take that journey, but unfortunately, you need to take him a step backward and explain the importance of content planning and development to maintain the feed of information and show a success story.

Feed, I don't know if the word origin comes from food, but without a constant feed of content on your blog/fan page/tweets, you kill the interest of your followers the same way any being can die in result of lack of food. actually, the whole relationship between you and the receiver depends on the feed quality, time, presentation and quantity. A certain balance between all these elements applies, depending on your knowledge of your WANTED reader/fan...

So the 3 initial steps are simply the most primitive and essential to get you on the right track.Once your're there, you'll require another set of steps, guidance.


1 comment:

  1. A certain balance between all these elements applies, depending on your knowledge of your WANTED reader/fan... how to delete Facebook account
