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Saturday, April 28, 2012

I Moved. It's Different.

April 2012: It's different here. For many who knew and worked with me in Dubai, my blog was addressing Social Media from a Middle East perspective. This is not the case anymore. I moved. It's different in the UK. You can easily realize the existence of a PROPER virtual society. In other words, the streets of London have become facebook accounts and tweets. Oh, haven't forgotten about the corporate world, they have joined the virtual world of social media through Linked-in and what have you... Maybe all this is expected, at the end of the day, London has hub-bed this new communication revolution. Yet, to me, I never saw how social media can play a vital role that goes beyond the 'entertainment' bit. Here, it does.

So what?!

I've decided to continue engaging with the Middle East audience, chit chat about social media, digital communication and bla bla bla. This time, it's gonna be different. I am the guy from the Middle East who will experience living in the virtual world of London and will write, brag and sing about it.

What's in it for you?

Entertainment, new perspectives and ideas that you might never have thought of simply because you've not gone through a similar experience. Let's not forget, since I am physically living in the UK, it's clear that I can realize the influence of social media on the offline society. And that, you can't do from living out of this Island. I only wish it rained less.

It's jolly good and fantastic.

Keep well,


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